Finished Environment Scene
With my environment finished, I started making a video going around it, and taking beauty shots of different aspects of the area. Overall I am very happy with the result of the environment however I am slightly disappointed we weren’t able to use a more alive and fleshy room as originally planned by our team. Despite the limitation of the assets we had, I think we made a pretty good workaround and worked with what we had to create something that was still effective. The assets included in the Unreal marketplace were beneficial for me, as there were many different items to make my environment effective. the crates, wires, toolbox and fire extinguisher especially as they are all very effective items you would expect to see in a storage room. The gas canisters for hydrogen and oxygen were also perfect as on a submarine, you would expect to find oxygen reserves or used oxygen canisters as you need these essential items to survive a long time underwater.
If I were to improve aspects of this scene, I would first make it closer to the original idea with a more fleshy living interior as it would’ve fit with everyone’s initial ideas, and so we wouldn’t have had to rethink almost every aspect of the environment and fit in a new story and reason behind why the asset is there. To improve upon the current design more, I would make the red lights flash on and off as they might in an emergency, and I would also like to add different particle effects such as gas or sparks coming off wires as I think it would add to the scene in a meaningful way. However, I worry that if there were too many particles, it would take away from the hero asset and ultimately make the whole room useless.
The hero asset would also be better in the scene if the eye was able to move and follow the player around the room making it seem like the chest is alive. I would’ve also liked to open up the chest and reveal another important item however I just wanted to focus on one hero asset so that would have to be if I ever went back to this project.
The whole room shown was made by me, but the only original asset made by me here is the Chest. The rest of the assets were found on the Unreal Marketplace.