First Character Concept

SamurEye Character Concept

This is SamurEye, this is a character I made while learning how to use photoshop and a drawing tablet. I was just messing around with different ideas to try and make something that might look cool in a game.

I first made a sketch outline of the character with a textured pencil-like brush before going back over with a hard round brush to make his outline bold and slightly more clean.

The clothes the character is wearing are clothes that I own so I was able to reference them while drawing my character, which allowed me to give the character a more casual look, but also it made it easy to draw what I know.

The idea for the eye head and katana came from a pun on samurai I brainstormed with a few friends while on a call. I thought it would be interesting to make the entire head an eye and I added detail to it by making it a bit bloodshot. The sword was added to fit the samurai pun too.

Overall as my first introduction to drawing my own character, I think it turned out well. It helped a lot to be able to reference objects I owned in real life to see details I need to add such as Pockets on the jacket.

I don’t think it’s the best piece of art in the world, but I want to progress and gradually get better and better at making character designs and art Overall.