Image Manipulation

This is an example of Image manipulation I did in photoshop using various stock images. When I found a picture of the mountains with space in the background, I saw the potential for things like creatures or people creeping up behind the mountains, which made me include a robin and an inflatable Donald Duck, which I edited his eyes to be red and added thin lightning effects in black inside his eye.
The lightning came from a pack of brushes I downloaded for photoshop, and so I wanted to experiment with them. I then thought that the space was missing potential so I wanted to put something in the background like a planet, but I ended up choosing the moon instead.
I had to cut out the mountains to put them a layer above the robin and Donald to make it seem like they were behind them so I just selected the mountain by tracing it with the magnetic lasso tool and copied and pasted it.
I additionally wanted to experiment with some layer modes since I am not fully used to them in photoshop, so I added a blue to purple gradient from the top left to the bottom right and tested different layer modes. The one I ended up with is soft light as I felt it looked the nicest.
This wasn’t my first time manipulating photos in photoshop so I had a small grasp on how some tools work, but I only messed around before. For this piece, I wanted to experiment with some things I hadn’t explored before such as the gradient tool, and the layer modes. The layer modes were especially helpful, and I want to experiment with them more to get a better grasp on them to get better at using photoshop and designing art.