VR Immersive Art


OpenBrush is a virtual reality art software that allows you to create 3D art using various different brushes and effects. A benefit of 3D art compared to 2D is that you can immerse yourself within the creation and look around the artwork. This allows for the potential of more detail due to the added dimension.
When I first opened OpenBrush, I was struggling on what to create in it because I struggle with drawing in general, and it was my first time with VR art. In the end, I thought I would just experiment with the tools it gave me, and use that as a way to learn the software. I started by turning the sky red and adding some black fog to create a sinister environment, and drew a pentagram with the marker brush because I liked the way that looked. I also saw there was a fire brush, so I created rings of fire at the corners of the pentagram. Additionally, to add to the more cult aesthetic I was leaning towards, I found a splat brush which I made red and spread across the floor to create a floor of blood.
I then wanted to create some 3D candles to put in front of the pentagram I drew, so I created candles of different heights and widths and put them on gold stands. To make them more candle like, I also added a black wick and an ember effect coming from it, adding more detail.

I was quite happy with the final product considering it was my first time creating art in VR, however I found it a lot harder than I was expecting. The added dimension of art meant that I had to consider all angles of my art, which made it hard to plan out in my head. I also think that I could have taken the medium of VR art even further by creating a full room of art surrounding the user instead of a display in front of them. I think now that I have had some experience, I could better plan what I want to create and how I would go about it if I were to create some more VR art in OpenBrush.