3D Asset – Final Asset
I believe that the final design looks effective as it is. I think the Ribcage and spine idea for the top of the chest is especially effective, and I think the eye also looks very good. I do believe it can be improved upon if given more time, and more resources but I think it is still effective as it is now
I think the final result achieves what I wanted out of my hero asset, as it would definitely stand out to players in the environment. A benefit of basing my hero asset around a treasure chest is that people who are used to and play videogames are usually drawn towards chests as in most games, they are able to get certain types of loot from them. The general public is also used to the concept of chests holding valuables from media such as pirate movies and whatnot, which means that the majority of players are likely to be drawn towards a chest in an environment.
The choice of a chest will also fit perfectly on the submarine location due to that association with precious items being stored away and also the association with the ocean through pirates. By a chest being on the submarine it could show the player what the submarine is there for – Potentially gathering treasure or other valuable things.
Alternatively, it could have a darker spin depending on the environment as it could indicate to the player some sort of danger as you could pair it with the environment to hint that maybe the chest was built from people, and uses flesh and bones of other people who might’ve come before you, which creates an entirely new type of atmosphere with the same hero asset.
Everyone in our group was constantly communicating and trying to make each asset be distinct from each other and yet tie together nicely and fit a similar sort of art style. Talking to my peers and getting feedback was also useful as I was able to get feedback along the way such as making the bones thicker than they originally were, and how to structure the ribcage in an effective way.