Space Invader Assets

These are asset Concepts I created for my space invader game. I came up with the idea of Skeletons, bones and Pumpkins because it was close to Halloween and I thought that bones would be good to use as bullets for a space invader clone.

The player was made to be round to hold a pumpkin bullet and I included an arrow to show the player where the pumpkin will be shot to (which is up). The Arrow to show where something was shooting was inspired by a game called Beehive Bedlam which was a puzzle game I used to play on a Sky Tv box when I was younger.

In the end, these are the assets I used. I made the skeleton the player instead and kept the bullet idea. I also changed the enemies to be eyes because they seemed more fitting as enemies than pumpkins.

The background of the game seemed boring being a plain colour so I created a background filled with pumpkins to make it a bit less dull to look at.

Overall I think these assets were good for the space invader game I had, but if I were to make more than a prototype, and make a fully-fledged game, I would likely lean more towards the pixel art side and create the assets that way to give the game a more polished feel.